Dichak dichak

Music   means motivation for some people,inspiration to some ,may be romance to some or  may be   mere noise.Music plays a very important role in our society   since ages..I used to  put on my fm and start making morning tea during my college days..Its just magical ..u  feel fresh…When i used to put on my radio ,my mom  used to say “hoagaya  baja start”.Gradually ,i realized it just makes me uneasy and nothing more..oops 90 degree turn.its noise and nothing more esp.Rock ..hahaha i know all music lovers may be find it annoying ..But I guess the more you are into music sooner u realise hip hop music just  makes you dull.

A Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states the following:

“What is commonly known as Western music is associated with sensuality, lust, and greed, all of which are diseases of the soul, so we cannot approve of listening to music with such an association. But if you’re able to single out and isolate music or songs with noble and pure messages and themes that ennoble the soul and spirit, you may listen to them as an occasional outlet provided that this does not distract you from the remembrance of Allah or performing your obligatory duties.”

Well, hes is right to some extent as  we all know excess of everything is bad.so is music..It makes us  cut off from our practical ives and makes you  tend to  be more and more whimsical.All the bollywood hollywood stuff .🙂 But songs we play in weddings,birthdays ,are part of our culture now.we enjoy it and a wedding without songs may be like  ice cream without topping .OMG what an example..hehe .I wonder sometimes  does  listening to music really help us in any way?
